Privilege Blog

12 Bloggers Who Can Turn A Phrase

You know how sometimes you read a blog and find yourself delighted by the author’s sheer access to language? How some writing evinces an almost physical response?  I thought you might enjoy the suggestions below. Of course, they aren’t the only good writers on my list, by any means, others write clearly, and convincingly and intelligently and with humor. But here are some bloggers who can turn a heck of a phrase.

  1. Pretty Far West. Mise writes from Ireland, primarily about interior design. Dry, elusive, warm. All at the same time.
  2. elefantitas allegres. Kate started out, I believe, with a wedding blog. Funny, good-humored, expansive. With a fondness for Hatch chiles.
  3. amalah. One of the big mama bloggers. Oldest son with sensory integration issues. Short posts both funny and moving, many asides, cute little boys.
  4. Blighty. Up in the UK, with boy children, making me laugh out loud.
  5. Maxminimus. Ostensibly ADG’s topic is menswear. Tom Wolfe meets the cordovan shell and Absalom, Absalom.
  6. miss whistle. Bumble Ward is a Brit of Norwegian heritage, writing in Los Angeles, and taking photos of theGreater Spotted, her dalmations. Her pieces on family are my favorites – not a word out of place.
  7. First Milk. Young woman in Brooklyn with poetry. Very distilled, poetic prose.
  8. Kidchamp. Bear with the density, the woman is brilliant. Drink from a firehose but willingly. Especially the Thundertome book reviews.
  9. Faux Fuchsia. FF writes from Brisbane, she is above water, luckily. Known for inventing phrases. And will never Knowingly Undercushion.
  10. Bourbon and Pearls. From the northern UK, Tabitha writes in a somewhat Bronte-esque style about pencil skirts and velvet jackets.
  11. The Trad. More menswear. This time with Montaigne as inspiration.
  12. Penelope Trunk. And, of course, Penelope. One of today’s completely original bloggers. Career advice. Also how not to kill yourself.

Any others to add?

31 Responses

  1. Mise is wonderful – love her blog. I had not heard of a number of these, so I’ll definitely make the rounds and check them out!

  2. I do follow a couple of these Lisa and will cerrtainly check out the others! Thank you for the links!

    Do come and join in my giveaway from Blydesign!!


    Art by Karena

  3. You turn a heck of a phrase yourself my dear. I can’t wait to check out your suggestions that I am not familiar with. You and some of the others, that I am familiar with, motivate me to improve.
    What about Allie at Summer Is A Verb. Allie and ADG’s sparing always makes me laugh.

  4. That’s so kind, Lisa! I dispense with my usual commenting currency of the Smart Remark and most sincerely thank you. Indeed, I think I’ll commission a statue of you.

  5. Wow! I just put up a post today asking for fresh blog recommendations, and someone pointed me here. How lucky to find you on this particular day!

  6. What a wonderful list thank you for posting it. Of course I love to check in daily to read what you, FF and Tabitha have to say. Blogs I also can’t miss are Reggie Darling and Admiral Cod…even though he is a curmudgeon. Thank for introducing me to some new blogs….not that I have the time to add any more to my blog list…..

  7. Thanks for this. I’ve been meaning to pad out my reader with genuinely interesting blogs, as I am drowning (drowning!) in news sources.

  8. Thank you Lisa for introducing new blogs, I trust your opinion. I too must check these out. So helpful to have you done the first searching work!

  9. The only one of these I knew about was Tabitha over at Bourbon and Pearls who I would totally agree has a wonderful way with words – have often thought the same reading her posts. I will definitely be paying a visit to some of these other wordsmiths!

  10. Thank you so much for the links to these fantastic blogs. I’ve managed to spend several hours already reading them – enjoying every minute.

  11. Also visit the divine Mrs. T at Mrs. Trefussis Takes a Taxi for the most hilarious Brit-flavored “solipsistic wailing.”

  12. I’m a few days behind on my reading, so imagine my joyful surprise to find this lovely post today. Thank you, dear Lisa. You are so very kind and to echo one of your other commentators, you’re no slouch yourself. Many many thanks and love, Miss W xxx

  13. {Claps hands with glee!}

    I normally hate a “stage direction” on the interwebs, but this post deserved one – many, many thanks!

    Not That You Asked is a current favorite of mine.

  14. Dear LIsa, it was Mr Blighty who told me you had included me in this list (I had no idea Mr B looked at blogs by himself, that’s opened up a whole new area for me to think about!) I am So flattered and thrilled to be included, thank you very much, of course now I feel Under Pressure and will now no longer be able to together a sentence coherent string …but i will continue to be a Smart Arse of course. The list is fab, I have already been over to Penelope Trunk and spent a very happy time reading there; I already know Bourbon and Pearls and have always thought she writes beautifully and is a very well read and intelligent girl, and your list has reminded me to put her on my blogroll so I don’t miss her posts; now off to check out others on your list, the ironing suddenly seems very unnecessary xx P. S. That Faux Fuchsia blog does not sound like my cup of tea at all, won’t bother with that (everyone, this is a joke, FF is my BlogCrush).

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