Month: August 2009

In Response Redux

I return to the question, do we, the High WASPs, as a class, as one woman sitting on a Pottery Barn sofa in fact, have

In Response

Ashley asked me some very good questions the other day. “Are there really actually a group of people out there who associate themselves as “high

Thread Social

This is an example of High WASP-approved clothing. It’s from a line I had never heard of. Thread Social. We like brands no one has

What Brands Are High WASP-Approved?

Last week I was asked, “What brands ARE High WASP approved?” Hmm. We know which brands we don’t like right now. We don’t like Juicy

Awards, Mentions, Flabbergastation.

On Friday I saw that Delia Lloyd mentioned amidlifeofprivilege on RealDelia. I was flabbergasted. I really like her blog on becoming a grownup. It is

Saturday Morning At 8:43am

Sometimes deconstruction brings nothing but comfort. This is my breakfast. There is really nothing about my breakfast that I dislike. Or causes me worry. It’s