Category: Fierce at 50

Fierce at 50

If I Were Shopping At Nordstrom Today

A long time ago I bought this dress. It’s by Eileen Fisher, the only piece from that line I’ve ever owned. (It’s not dissimilar to


Last Tuesday, having returned from Santa Barbara the night before, and having spent the bulk of the day on administrative tasks for my mother, I

Fierce at 50

How To Choose Earrings For Jeans’ Styles

High WASPs (n.b. California regional variant) dress for balance. We love the cautious subjunctive;  it’s all about the IF statements (and the semi-colon). IF you

Fierce at 50

Objects Of Desire: That 70s Clothing

While fashion lacks a gale force trend right now, I think we might reasonably point out a few “breezes” — influences, if you will. The

Fierce at 50

A Singular Piece

This post sponsored by Halsbrook Fashion has moved to a “post-trend” universe. So says Cathryn Horyn at the New York Times, and I agree. In